Top 3 Decisions That Impact Your Chosen Career - #career #careeradvice

The decisions you make today can influence your career trajectory and give you a well-deserved boost to propel you to greater heights. So whether you are a recent graduate or a seasoned professional contemplating a career change, it’s prudent to make informed choices that can set you on a thrilling path in your chosen field. If you’re going to commit an average of 90,000 hours over a lifetime for your career, it’s worth making the right decisions. Here are some top ones to consider.

1. Educational Choices

A good education lays the foundation for success. However, to reap the most benefits, your focus should be on the educational choice and the type of skills it teaches you. The right educational background can also open a future of opportunities in your chosen field. The first thing to do is to consider a certification program or degree that aligns with your passion and career goals. However, do not end there because researching the industry trends and emerging technologies is significant to ensuring that your education will remain relevant in a decade. 

The ever-evolving job market makes it compelling to learn a course that leads to a career that the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence wouldn’t threaten. In recent times, for instance, writers have felt threatened by the introduction of ChatGPT and other AI technologies that appear to present stiff competition in the digital age. While your educational choice is relevant, do not underestimate the value of continuous learning in the form of workshops, refresher courses, webinars, and conferences.

2. Career Transitions

A 2022 survey revealed that 52% of company employees are contemplating making a career switch, and the percentage is almost the same every year. Career transitions are excellent, but how you navigate them can significantly impact your future success. Admittedly, it’s not an easy road when you decide to make a switch or transition. Many factors come into play to take that bold step to move from one career to the next. Some people find it worthwhile to join an ICF coaching program before making a career transition. Some people do this as a way to enhance their potential and develop leadership skills in a bid to navigate a career change successfully. You may want to leverage professional coaching to overcome the challenges that often come with career transitions so you avoid jumping ship without testing the water first. 

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3. Building Meaningful Connections

You may already know this, but networking is crucial for working professionals and can’t be overstated. A network of professional relationships holds the door to several opportunities, mentorships, and industry insights. These are some advantages you do not get through formal education alone, and that is what networking provides. It fills in the loopholes that formal education may have left open and helps to make you a well-rounded professional. You can start by joining professional associations and attending industry events related to your field. The digital era makes several online communities accessible at the click of a button, so leverage that to positively impact your chosen career. The experienced professionals you meet online can provide useful advice to advance your career.

As you navigate your career, remember that the decisions you make collectively determine the future outcomes of your chosen field.

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Top 3 Decisions That Impact Your Chosen Career - #career #careeradvice

We all go to work every day so we can earn a salary or wage. This is the money that we need to live off and support our family with. As you no doubt already know, there are many well-paid jobs out there, such as doctors, lawyers, and accountants. However, there are also many jobs and careers that don’t pay quite as well as what we think they should. In fact, some are so low-paying that their employees can end up struggling to get by.

Thankfully, most of us will be able to move up to a higher position by getting a promotion and working our way up through a career. It’s usually possible to move beyond low-paying entry-level jobs in this way. But what if you seem to be stuck in a job that doesn’t pay enough with no way out? It may be getting you down, but you can hold onto the hope that it is usually possible to make your working situation better for yourself. Here are some ways you can survive your low-paying job.

Keep on Job Hunting

First of all, it’s important to note that you should always be job hunting. Even if you aren’t actively applying for the positions you find, you will find it very useful to keep a constant eye on your local job market. You’ll then be able to jump on any opportunity that is an improvement on your current situation. You never know when you will find a completely new role in a different career that shouldn’t be too difficult for you to transfer your skills and experience over to.

Switch to a Company that Pays Better

Of course, it could also be worth looking for a similar job to the one you currently do but at a company that will pay you a higher wage. Not all companies pay the same. It’s always worth having an ear to the ground to see if you can find a position for which you would earn a larger salary package. When you do look for open positions with other companies, it’s worth comparing the other financial benefits that you would gain, such as paid days off for vacations and illness as well as pension payments and annual bonuses. Even though a different company might be able to pay you slightly more, they may offer benefits that aren’t quite as good as the ones you currently get. So, you’ll have to weigh up whether it really is worth going for the higher salary.

Improve Your Transferable Skills

It’s always important to continue working on your transferable skills. It’s even necessary for those who are in solid jobs to keep on honing these crucial skills. These are key skills like good communication, analytical skills, and excellent customer service. They are known as transferable because you’ll be able to transfer them to various different areas of your life. As well as using them in your private life, you’ll also be able to use them in the majority of jobs as well. So, they should help you find a completely new job, even if it means moving into a completely different career. As long as these transferable skills are strong, they should help you bag a better job even if you don’t have any direct experience of working in the industry or sector.

See if there are any Funding Options for Your Career Path

It’s worth researching any potential funding opportunities that there might be for your specific career. There are sometimes charitable funds set up for employees in careers that are known to be quite poorly paid. For instance, teachers can sometimes struggle to get by on their low salaries and long hours. Thankfully, there are now a few programs in place to help a teacher who is really struggling. These kinds of programs are also used to financially reward teachers who have done particularly well in their job. There are quite a few traditional careers, such as teaching, that have these charitable pots and funds available for workers in need.

Start Networking More

Start trying to network more so you can meet as many people as possible. You never know who you might meet when you are at a local business networking event. There are always a lot of different entrepreneurs and business owners at them. You could get chatting to someone who is looking to hire someone with your exact set of skills and knowledge. Even if you don’t find someone who is hiring, you might start talking to someone who knows of an open position that might be a good match for you.

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Consider Changing Your Position in the Company

You might be able to increase your pay packet if you simply move into a different position in your current company. For instance, if you are able to work your way up to a leadership position then you would be in line for a nice pay rise. It could also be worth trying to position yourself as a mentor within the company. Lots of companies are now realizing how beneficial it is to have a mentor in the company who their workforce can reach out to for help and advice whenever they need it. You’d probably be able to continue your current position while doing a few extra mentoring sessions a week. As you’d be taking on extra responsibility, you will likely be able to request some extra pay.

Join a Union

It might be worth joining a union. These are groups and organizations that are created with the main aim to protect workers’ rights. If you believe that you are being paid a lot less than what you think you should be, it could be worth approaching your union about it. They will approach your company and attempt to negotiate a pay rise. If they are unable to do so, and you are paying significantly less than what other companies pay employees in similar roles, the union could help you take the issue to an employment tribunal.

Hopefully, these tips help you survive!

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Is It Possible To Survive In A Low-Paying Job? - #career #careeradvice

Don't embarrass yourself at a job fair by not knowing the companies there.

Job fairs are loud, crowded hiring blitzes where after awhile, most every applicant starts to look the same to employers. If you want to walk out of a job fair with a job—or at least an interview—you have to stand out from the crowd and show potential employers that you’re the perfect person for the job.

Here are 10 ways you can make the right impression and maximize your job offers:

1. Research the Companies You Know Will be at the Job Fair

Start preparing for a job fair by looking at the list of companies that will be at the fair. Google each company and look at what they do. Look at their LinkedIN pages and see who works there, and what their job titles are. Decide which companies best suit your career goals, and learn as much as you can about those companies.

If you’re looking at big, national or international corporations, spend some time learning about the company’s history and who their customers are. Larger companies usually have an online employee manual or benefits website so you can research what a potential offer package might look like. The more information you have, the better.

You want to know enough about a company to be able to speak intelligently with their representatives at the job fair. The last thing you want to do is show up to the job fair without any knowledge of the companies represented there, and then ask, “oh, what do you do?”


2. Make Sure Your Resume Isn’t Boring

If you’re still using the standard MS Word template to make your resumes, it’s time to make a change—right now. Job fairs are full of candidates that show up with a stack of black-and-white, text-only, boring resumes and hand them to every company they see. Be ready to stand out in that crowd.

You can buy resume templates inexpensively on Etsy. Look for a colorful template that has spaces to highlight your skills and professional profile.

[bctt tweet=”Avoid the “objective” line on your resume because everyone at a job fair has the same objective: to get a job.”]

If you are applying for jobs in two or more different industries, make sure you have separate resumes for each industry. Each industry has specific keywords, so make sure your resume addresses them.

3. Prepare Your Elevator Speech

You need a 30-second pitch, or “elevator speech” ready for the job fair. In such a crowded space, you have to make an impression quickly. You won’t have a lot of time to convince the company representatives that you’re the right person for the job, so your best bet is to have a speech prepared.

The best elevator speeches highlight your qualifications as well as your knowledge of the company. You are trying to show that you’re extremely talented, confident, and a perfect fit for the company’s needs.

Here’s a template to get you started. Fill in the blanks and make it your own. Note that you should really prepare a few of these so you can customize them based on the company and industry you are trying to impress:

Good morning! I’m ________ and I am excited to meet you. I’ve followed your work on _______ for years, and I find it inspiring/exciting/amazing. I’m a __________________ with _____ years of experience creating __________. Like you, my work _______________. I have achieved _______________. I would love to talk to you more about your work and how we might collaborate in the future when you have time. Here’s my resume/business card. Let’s connect on LinkedIN, too.

Make it your own, but the goal is to show that you rock, you’re knowledgeable about the company, and you see yourself as an asset. You’ve got this!

4. Dress to Impress, and Remember Your Pop of Color

One of the first things employers will notice about you is how you dress. This isn’t the time to choose comfort over fashion. Wear your favorite power suit or dress.

No matter what you choose to wear, make sure you have a pop of color. If you wear a grey or black suit, wear a colorful scarf or camisole. Draw attention to your face with color.

You want to be memorable. You’re more likely to be remembered if a person can associate you with something you wore. Colorful accessories help you stand out in the right way.

When we go to job fairs and conferences, I typically wear a royal blue or purple dress with nude pumps. These are colors that work for me, but you likely have your own color palette that works for you. The worst thing you can do is dress in all black or another neutral color. You’ll blend in too much with everyone around you.

5. Be Conscious of What You Carry

Don’t be the person who drops a bunch of papers everywhere when she goes to shake hands with a potential employer. Don’t be the person fidgeting with her car keys while talking with a recruiter. Think ahead about what you are going to take with you into the job fair.

You will need a place to put brochures and business cards as you receive them from your new contacts. You also need something to write on, and a place to keep your resumes flat.

I use a leather portfolio when we attend business meetings. Something like this will work:

It has a pocket on the right for keeping resumes straight, a notepad for taking notes, and a smaller pocket for stashing business cards and brochures.

On top of this, I usually carry a small purse for my wallet and car key. Look for a purse with a shoulder strap. You always want to have one hand free for shaking hands. It makes you seem approachable.

A simple, black folder from the dollar store works better than nothing, so if you’re short on cash, use that as your back up. Make sure it doesn’t say anything on it. Nothing is more unprofessional than folders that say “Trapper Keeper” or have psychedelic Lisa Frank unicorns on them.

6. Use Your Time Wisely: Target 5 Companies

Depending on the type of job fair, there could be as many as 200 companies ready to meet potential applicants. You should have five companies in mind when you walk in the door. Talk to those companies first before you turn your attention to other potential employers.

It’s better to make five excellent impressions than 100 half-hearted ones. Focus on your favorites, and then walk the fair with an open mind. You never know when you’ll see a potential employer you overlooked that might be a perfect fit.

7. Smile and Offer Your Hand for the Handshake First

When you approach a company’s table at the job fair, smile at the representatives and extend your hand for the handshake first. This shows that you’re confident and someone they definitely want to get to know.

After the handshake, you can lead the conversation with your elevator speech and see where it goes. Even if you’re nervous, smile and be engaged with the company’s representatives.

8. Ask the Right Questions

A job fair is a good time to “feel out” a company to see if they’re a good fit for you, so make sure you have a good list of questions to ask. The right questions are ones that are focused on how your goals and the company’s goals might align. This isn’t a time to ask about vacation time and medical benefits, but instead ask about what the company’s goals are for this year, and how they’re measuring success. Try questions like:

  1. I read about your XYZ project on your website. It sounds fascinating! How are working towards that goal?
  2. There seems to be a lot of potential to _______ in this field. How is your company approaching it?
  3. I would love to learn more about how your company is achieving __________ this year. What steps are you taking?

If you have time, you might also ask the representatives what their favorite thing about working for the company is. The answers to this question will tell you a lot about the company.

9. Always be Closing

Keep your eye on the prize. You are at the job fair to make connections, land interviews, and receive job offers. Keep that in mind with every conversation.

If the representative isn’t scheduling an interview or saying they’ll be in touch soon for one, you should approach the topic yourself. Ask, “Is there a good time we can connect in the next week or so to discuss the position?”

Try to nail down a time to chat, or at the very least, try to get the name of the hiring manager, if he’s not present at the job fair. You want to walk away with something firm, not just, “we’ll be in touch if we’re interested.”

10. Send Follow-up Emails the Following Day

When you leave the job fair, you will have a good idea which companies you want to work for and which you don’t. Even so, you should send follow up emails to the people who took the time to talk to you. Thank them for their time and tell them how great it was to meet them. Ask to connect with them on LinkedIN and to keep you in mind if they see a position that suits your skill set.

Make sure to ask for business cards or contact information if it’s not offered to you. Job fairs are excellent places to network, so even if you don’t walk out with a job, you should at least walk away with a dozen or more new contacts for your network.

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How to Rock and Job Fair and Walk Out with a Job  10 Ways to Rock a Job Fair