Each and every year, an abundance of people decide that they want to make their living in the health and fitness industry. Many have no idea where to start, let alone have the confidence that they are going to be able to secure a place in such a saturated market.
Here are a few ways you can begin securing your place in the industry now.
Get Some Training
Assuming you haven’t taken this step yet, you’re going to need some training. You could go back to school, get a degree, and learn all about biochemistry, anatomy, and exercise physiology. However, this will take you a few tears to do. Plus, it doesn’t really give you any advice on how you can start your own business from it.
Another option is training to become a PT. This is faster than going back to school, as there are self study courses. Plus, it costs a lot less money. That being said, many don’t see it as a credible degree, as just about anybody can do it and it doesn’t make them a good trainer. For example, not all Yoga teacher training is created equal. There will be high quality training, and lower quality, but it’s up to you to do your due diligence.
Start Coaching
Once you’ve got your training, don’t put things off. Start coaching. You don’t need to get a degree, rent space in a gym, or start your own studio. Start taking it one step at a time to help people improve their lives. You could even ask to shadow a teacher or trainer for the day to see how they handle things.
Getting really good at this is all trial and error. While you want to know as much as possible to be the best coach, teacher, or trainer you can be, all you need to know at the beginning is more than the person you’re training. It’s that simple.
If you start out with a simple certification, that’s fine, providing you start working towards getting something more substantial later on. If you have trained to be a trainer, coach, or teacher, it’ll help you to be aware of the multiple facets of health and fitness. Not just working out, but nutrition too. These things go hand in hand, and if you can help your clients with both you’ll get incredible results.
Get Some Business Training
It’s important to be well versed in business and how it works if you’re going to make a living out of this. You could get a mentor, do another course, or use free resources online to teach yourself what you need to know.
Once you’ve built a strong foundation of training, nutrition, and business knowledge, you must commit to learning and personal development forever. You are free to pick up the books you want and do the courses that appeal, but you will need to be committed to continuing this journey forever. There’s no one way into the fitness industry, but the above ideas will enable you to get started and eventually stand out.
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